The BSS Audio 1U Rack-Mount Kit allows up to two half-rack Soundweb London devices—BLU-BIB and BLU-BOB1—to be mounted on a shelf occupying a single rack space. The 1U Rack-Mount Kit can accommodate one BLU-BIB device, one BLU-BOB1 device, two BLU-BIB devices, two BLU-BOB1 devices, or one of each device. With each device offering eight channels of analog I/O expansion, the 1U Rack-Mount Kit allows for higher I/O density (16 channels) in a single rack space. For instances in which only one I/O expander is mounted, the included half-rack blanking plate can be used to fill the blank space in the front of the rack.
The Soundweb London Analog Input Card is designed to populate any of the four card slots on Soundweb London BLU-800, BLU-805, BLU-806, BLU-320, BLU-325, BLU-326, BLU-160, BLU-120, BLU-80, BLU-32 and BLU-16 devices. This analog card enables Soundweb London devices to receive microphone / line level signals. The Soundweb London Analog Input Card offers Phantom Power, configurable per channel and software controlled analog gain in 6dB steps from 0dB to 48dB.