BSS BLU-DA | BLU-link til Dante/AES67, 64x64 kanaler

The Soundweb London BLU-DA offers Dante / AES67 audio and BLU link. This means that the BLU-DA can be used to ‘add’ Dante / AES67 to one or more BLU link devices. The BLU-DA is configurable through HiQnet™ Audio Architect. A rich palette of logic objects and a “drag and drop” method of configuration provide a simple and familiar design environment. The BLU-DA features Dante and AES67 audio. The BLU-DA is capable of simultaneously transmitting and receiving up to 64 channels of Dante or AES67 audio (64 x 64). Primary and Secondary ports are provided for fault tolerance. Control is through a separate Ethernet port. The BLU-DA also includes support for Dante 4.0 firmware for integration with Dante Domain Manager. The BLU-DA also features BLU link, a low latency, fault tolerant digital audio bus of 256 channels, which uses standard Category 5e cabling giving a distance of 100m between compatible devices. Fiber media converters can be used to increase the distance between devices to over 40km. A bi-directional locate function allows devices to be identified both from and within HiQnet Audio Architect. The BLU-DA and the other members of the Soundweb London family provide the building blocks of the perfectly tailored system solution. This signal processor is EN 54-16 Compliant for life safety applications.

Soundweb London 4-kanals digitalt indgangskort (2xAES/EBU)

The Soundweb London Digital Input card is designed to populate any of the four card slots on Soundweb London BLU-800, BLU-805, BLU-806, BLU-320, BLU-325, BLU-326, BLU-160, BLU-120, BLU-80, BLU-32 and BLU-16 devices. These digital cards enable Soundweb London devices to receive AES/EBU and S/PDIF audio signals.

Soundweb London 4-kanals digitalt udgangskort (2xAES/EBU)

The Soundweb London Digital Output card is designed to populate any of the four card slots on Soundweb London BLU-800, BLU-805, BLU-806, BLU-320, BLU-325, BLU-326, BLU-160, BLU-120, BLU-80, BLU-32 and BLU-16 devices. These digital cards enable Soundweb London devices to receive AES/EBU and S/PDIF audio signals.

BSS BLU-GPX GPIO Expander med 36 control inputs og 23 logik outputs

The Soundweb London BLU-GPX is a network-controlled GPIO expander which facilitates the cost-effective addition of Control Inputs, Logic Outputs, and Relays to systems requiring extra analog control/interfacing capability. The BLU-GPX features the same rich palette of Logic Objects found in other Soundweb London devices, two PoE-enabled Ethernet ports for communications and primary power, a 12VDC power connector for secondary power, a RS-232 port for compatibility with serial devices, a bank of user-configurable front panel LEDs, a user-configurable front panel LCD, a user-configurable piezo buzzer for audible indication, and locate functionality. The BLU-GPX has 36 Control Inputs. As with the Control Inputs found on other Soundweb London devices, these Control Inputs can be connected to contact closures for controlling binary parameters, resistor ladders for controlling multi-state parameters, or potentiometers for controlling continuous parameters. The BLU-GPX has 23 Logic Outputs. As with the Logic Outputs found on other Soundweb London devices, these Logic Outputs can be connected directly to voltage-controlled electrical components such as LEDs and relays.

BSS-BLU-HIF Soundweb London Telephone Headset Interface

The BSS Audio BLU-HIF Telephone Headset Interface facilitates connection of the headset jack of a VoIP/digital phone to an AEC input and analog output of a Soundweb London device. The BLU-HIF therefore allows the VoIP/digital phone to be used as the dialing interface and hybrid for a conference system. This simple interface eliminates the programming requirements associated with third-party control systems, while providing a familiar and low-cost dialing interface to the end user. The BLU-HIF features an RJ-22 jack for connection to the headset jack of a VoIP/digital phone, a balanced input (Tx) for sending near-side audio, and a balanced output (Rx) for receiving far-side audio. While the BLU-HIF provides substantial isolation of the Rx and Tx signals, near-side audio will still be heard on the Rx channel due to the presence of side-tone. As such, BSS Audio recommends always feeding the Rx channel to an AEC input, as opposed to a standard analog input. The AEC algorithm will remove the side-tone. The Tx channel connects to a standard analog output. The wiring configuration within the headset jack of a VoIP/digital phone often differs, depending on the manufacturer. The BLU-HIF comes with two cables whose 4P4C RJ-22 connectors are compatible with the two most common wiring configurations found in the headset jack of VoIP/digital phones. The additional 2.5mm jack facilitates connection of two-way communication devices such as cellular phones to the Soundweb London device. This gives the end user the advantage of having an alternate communication path to the outside world, which is particularly useful as a backup to the main phone system.

BSS Soundweb London Telephone hybrid w 2 mic/line input

The Soundweb London Telephone Hybrid Cards are designed to populate any of the four card slots on Soundweb London BLU-800, BLU-805, BLU-806, BLU-320, BLU-325, BLU-326, BLU-160 and BLU-120 devices. These cards enable Soundweb London devices to interface with a standard POTS (aka PSTN or Analog PBX) telephone network. The Soundweb London Telephone Hybrid Cards also have two analog inputs which allow each Telephone Hybrid Card to receive two microphone or line level signals. These analog inputs offer Phantom Power, configurable per channel and software controlled analog gain in 6dB steps from 0dB to 48dB.

BSS BLU-USB audio/BLU Link interface

BSS USB - USB Audio to BLU link Interface. Få lyden direkte fra din PC ind på BLU Link audio bussen. Simpel integration af lyd fra computere til lydsystemet. Digital konvertering direkte til BLU link. Mange monteringsmuligheder .

BSS AV5S-BK Kontrol panel m. 5 input, Sort

The Soundweb Contrio AC-V and AC-5S are simple analog wall controllers designed for use with BSS Audio Soundweb London devices.

BSS AV5S-WH Kontrol panel m. 5 input, Hvid

The Soundweb Contrio AC-V and AC-5S are simple analog wall controllers designed for use with BSS Audio Soundweb London devices.

BSS AVC-BK Kontrol panel m. volume, analog, Sort

The Soundweb Contrio AC-V and AC-5S are simple analog wall controllers designed for use with BSS Audio Soundweb London devices. Both the AC-V and AC-5S are available in black or white, and in single-gang US Decora or single-gang EU form factor.

BSS AVC-WH Kontrol panel m. volume, analog, Hvid

The Soundweb Contrio AC-V and AC-5S are simple analog wall controllers designed for use with BSS Audio Soundweb London devices. Both the AC-V and AC-5S are available in black or white, and in single-gang US Decora or single-gang EU form factor.

BSS EC4-B-BK Kontrol panel, 4 knap. Sort

Strøm via ethernet. Konfigurerbar via Audio Architect. 4 programmerbare knapper. 1 programmerbar LCD display.

BSS EC4-BV-BK Kontrol panel, 4 knap. Sort

Ethernet væg controller. Strøm via ethernet. 1 programmerbar knap/encoder. 4 programmerbare knapper (multifarvet). 1 programmerbar LCD display. Sleep funktion.

BSS EC4-BV-WH Kontrol panel, 4 knap. Hvid

The Soundweb Contrio EC-4BV is an Ethernet wall controller for use in Harman HiQnet systems. The EC-4BV can control and monitor parameters within BSS Audio Soundweb London and other HiQnet devices, including Crown DCi series amplifiers.

BSS EC4-B-WH Kontrol panel, 4 knap. Hvid

The Soundweb Contrio EC-4B is an Ethernet wall controller for use in Harman HiQnet systems. The EC-4B can control and monitor parameters within BSS Audio Soundweb London and other HiQnet devices, including Crown DCi series amplifiers.

BSS EC8-BV-BK Kontrol panel, 8 knap. Sort

Strøm via ethernet. Kofigurerbar via Audio Architect. 1 programmerbar knap/encoder. 8 programmerbare knapper. 2 programmerbare LCD displays. Sleep funktion.

BSS EC8-BV-WH Kontrol panel, 8 knap. Hvid

Strøm via ethernet. Kofigurerbar via Audio Architect. 1 programmerbar knap/encoder. 8 programmerbare knapper. 2 programmerbare LCD displays. Sleep funktion.

BSS ECV Kontrol panel, volume, Sort

Ethernet væg controller. Strøm via ethernet. Konfigurerbar via Audio Architect. 1 programmerbar knap/encoder. Sleep funktion.

BSS ECV Kontrol panel, volume knap. Hvid

The Soundweb Contrio EC-V is an Ethernet wall controller for use in Harman HiQnet systems
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