TiGHT AV VSB-600AF | Video Conferencing Soundbar With AEC and Auto-Framing

The VSB-600AF is an all-in-one conferencing soundbar in a compact design, with 4K@30fps video resolution and a built-in 6-mic array. The VSB-600AF supports AEC, ANS and AGC and supports up to 6-meters full-duplex high-quality conferencing calls. It uses and AI algorithm integrated with multiple AI framing technologies enabling the unit to automatically frame the participants in the meeting and adjusts the picture to present the best view. The VSB-600AF supports USB 3.0 over a USB type B port, while also supporting USB 2.0. No driver install is necessary - simply plug it in and open your video conferencing application. The unit comes with a wall bracket for mounting on a wall, or it can be placed on a flat surface standing on its built-in stand. A 5m USB 2.0 cable is also included.
Leverandør: TiGHT AV
Septons varenummer: 670-00070
Leverandør varenummer: VSB-600AF
Produkt specifikationer

Plug-and-play video soundbar med 4K-opløsning

Med en indbygget mikrofon og 4K-kamera er VSB-600AF alt, hvad du har brug for i et lille eller mellemstort mødelokale. Du behøver ikke engang at installere din egen driver - bare tilslut via USB og start ethvert videokonferenceprogram!

Automatisk ansigtsgenkendelse og billedskalering

VSB-600AF har ansigtsgenkendelse, og skalerer automatisk billedudsnittet efter hvor mange der deltager i mødet. Du kan også aktivere stemmestyring, så kameraet hele tiden fokuserer på der taler.

Afstand ingen hindring

Kameravinklen er 120 grader og mikrofonen opfanger lyd på op til 6 meters afstand. Enheden har også sin egen linjeindgang, hvis du ønsker at tilslutte et analogt linjesignal. Strømadapter, USB-kabel (5m), fjernbetjening og vægbeslag medfølger i æsken.


What type of room is it recommended for?
The VSB-600AF is recommended for small to medium-sized rooms.

What is the lens angle?
The VSB-600AF lens angle is 120°, seamlessly framing your entire meeting room.

At what distance is the audio picked up?
The pickup of the VSB-600AF’s built-in microphones is up to 6 meters.

Does VSB-600AF need an external expansion microphone?
No, it already has built-in microphones to pick up the audio.

What apps does VSB-600AF support?
Compatibility with the best video conferencing software on the market, including Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business, Google Hangouts, GoToMeeting, Lifesize, Zoom, Bluejeans, Starleaf, Cisco Webex and others.

How to install and configure VSB-600AF?
VSB-600AF is simple and easy to set up. Simply connect to a computer's USB port and select your preferred video conferencing application. Start the meeting and choose VSB-600AF as the camera, microphone and speaker (audio output).

Do I need to install a specific app/driver to use VSB-600AF?
No. The VSB-600AF is a plug and play camera. You don't need to download any drivers to use it.

Can I use VSB-600AF to talk to H323 or SIP video conferencing equipment?
Yes, but for that you must use an H323 or SIP desktop solution (application) and select VSB-600AF as your computer's camera, microphone and speaker (audio output).

Plug-and-play video soundbar med 4K-opløsning

Med en indbygget mikrofon og 4K-kamera er VSB-600AF alt, hvad du har brug for i et lille eller mellemstort mødelokale. Du behøver ikke engang at installere din egen driver - bare tilslut via USB og start ethvert videokonferenceprogram!

Automatisk ansigtsgenkendelse og billedskalering

VSB-600AF har ansigtsgenkendelse, og skalerer automatisk billedudsnittet efter hvor mange der deltager i mødet. Du kan også aktivere stemmestyring, så kameraet hele tiden fokuserer på der taler.

Afstand ingen hindring

Kameravinklen er 120 grader og mikrofonen opfanger lyd på op til 6 meters afstand. Enheden har også sin egen linjeindgang, hvis du ønsker at tilslutte et analogt linjesignal. Strømadapter, USB-kabel (5m), fjernbetjening og vægbeslag medfølger i æsken.


What type of room is it recommended for?
The VSB-600AF is recommended for small to medium-sized rooms.

What is the lens angle?
The VSB-600AF lens angle is 120°, seamlessly framing your entire meeting room.

At what distance is the audio picked up?
The pickup of the VSB-600AF’s built-in microphones is up to 6 meters.

Does VSB-600AF need an external expansion microphone?
No, it already has built-in microphones to pick up the audio.

What apps does VSB-600AF support?
Compatibility with the best video conferencing software on the market, including Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business, Google Hangouts, GoToMeeting, Lifesize, Zoom, Bluejeans, Starleaf, Cisco Webex and others.

How to install and configure VSB-600AF?
VSB-600AF is simple and easy to set up. Simply connect to a computer's USB port and select your preferred video conferencing application. Start the meeting and choose VSB-600AF as the camera, microphone and speaker (audio output).

Do I need to install a specific app/driver to use VSB-600AF?
No. The VSB-600AF is a plug and play camera. You don't need to download any drivers to use it.

Can I use VSB-600AF to talk to H323 or SIP video conferencing equipment?
Yes, but for that you must use an H323 or SIP desktop solution (application) and select VSB-600AF as your computer's camera, microphone and speaker (audio output).
Produkt specifikationer
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