VLINK 8 Port virtual Intercom audio & video media matrix Software licence to support up to 8 virtual VLINK keypanels on PC, IOS and Cloud, via IOS and Android smart devices. At the same time these licenses can be used for trunklines towards RTS TrunkMaster for full intelligent integration or the system can be configured as VLink standalone for up to 8 PL system without any intelligent integration New VLINK Version6 supports WebRTC control for low latency 48KHz audio Geo-positioning, Screen Sharing and NDI support with single sign in authentication Multi channel video (either programmed stream URL’s or live video capture and streaming from WebRTC clients as well as output to third party video) are possible with additional license upgrades. Any PC, smart devices and Trunkmaster are not included. All required demo software can be download free of charge from the RTS website.