Televic Plixus 8 Channel

License to record up to 8 audio channels simultaneously on the Plixus AE-R.

Televic TReX 8 ch. audio recorder

Easily record multichannel audio from your meetings with T-ReX. Start with two channels or capture up to 8 channels simultaneously.

Televic TReX Transcription Tool incl. foot pedal

Easily record multichannel audio from your meetings with T-ReX. Start with two channels or capture up to 8 channels simultaneously. Use any pc to run the software and connect T-ReX to the conference system to conveniently create timestamp for events (mic activations, badge use, and more). Then, use the Transcription Tool to easily transcribe events, of the free Player to listen to recordings.

Televic TReX Two Ch. audio recorder

The T-ReX (Televic Recording Matrix) is a software suite that runs on a standard PC and records multiple audio channels simultaneously.