ALT HVAD DU BEHØVER FOR AT FÅ DET MESTE UD AF DIT PA. NU MED FULD KONTROL FRA DIN MOBILE ENHED. DriveRack® PA2 leverer al den processering du har brug for mellem din mixer og forstærkere for at optimere og beskytte dine højttalere. Med de seneste forbedringer af dbx’s proprietære AutoEQ™ og AFS™ algoritmer, et nyt input delay-modul til forsinkelse af FOH-systemet til backline, Ethernet-kontrol via en Android®-, iOS®-, Mac®- eller Windows®-enhed og opdaterede wizards, sætter DriveRack PA2 standarden for vellydende, kraftfulde og prisvenlige speaker management processors.
3 input, 6 output, and all the processing needed to supercharge your sound system. Now with complete control from your mobile device. The VENU360 provides all the processing and flexibility you need between your mixer and amplifiers to optimize and protect your loudspeakers. With the latest advancements in dbx’s proprietary AutoEQ™ and AFS™ algorithms, additional input channels, ethernet control via an Android,® iOS,® Mac,® or Windows® device, and updated wizards, the DriveRack VENU360 continues the DriveRack legacy of great-sounding, powerful, and affordable loudspeaker management processors, for a whole new generation.