Produkter tagget med 'Harman'
EPM serien er en prisbillig mixer-serie, med komponenter som man normalt kun finder i de dyrere mixere fra Soundcraft. Blandt andet kan nævnes GB30 mikrofon-forforstærkere, som findes i dyrere mixere som GB4, GB8 og LX7ii. Alle kanaler er udstyret med egne peak-lamper, som, i kombination med peak metrene i master sektionen, gør, at man har fuld kontrol over signalniveauer over hele mixeren. Peak metrene er af "multipoint" typen, (kan checke signalet flere steder), og de lyser gradvist mere og mere op imod evt. peak / overload -tilstand. EPM6 har 6 mikrofon-indgange (monokanaler) men er endvidere forsynet med yderligere 2 stereo kanaler, 2 aux sends, 3-bånds EQ med mid sweep på mono kanalerne og 2-bånds EQ på stereo kanalerne.
The Soundweb London BLU-DA offers Dante / AES67 audio and BLU link. This means that the BLU-DA can be used to ‘add’ Dante / AES67 to one or more BLU link devices. The BLU-DA is configurable through HiQnet™ Audio Architect. A rich palette of logic objects and a “drag and drop” method of configuration provide a simple and familiar design environment. The BLU-DA features Dante and AES67 audio. The BLU-DA is capable of simultaneously transmitting and receiving up to 64 channels of Dante or AES67 audio (64 x 64). Primary and Secondary ports are provided for fault tolerance. Control is through a separate Ethernet port. The BLU-DA also includes support for Dante 4.0 firmware for integration with Dante Domain Manager. The BLU-DA also features BLU link, a low latency, fault tolerant digital audio bus of 256 channels, which uses standard Category 5e cabling giving a distance of 100m between compatible devices. Fiber media converters can be used to increase the distance between devices to over 40km. A bi-directional locate function allows devices to be identified both from and within HiQnet Audio Architect. The BLU-DA and the other members of the Soundweb London family provide the building blocks of the perfectly tailored system solution. This signal processor is EN 54-16 Compliant for life safety applications.
Farve: Sort (RAL9004) / Hvid (RAL9016) Spedning: 100 x 100 InvisiBall®kugle beslag. (U bøjle kan tilkøbes) Terminaler: Skrue bøsninger Kan sidde udendørs uden udhæng. (IP44) 200 watt program
THE FABULOUS EGG for bass drum and bass guitar on stage and in the studi
Class D forstærker med Crown's ultra-effektive DriveCore teknologi. Vægt på under 5 kg.. Mere DSP kraft:Mere kontrol , harband pass filter per kanal. Display lys funktionalitet , Sluk alle LEDs undtagen clip og thermal. Valgbar input sensitivity , 1.4Vrms og 0.775Vrms option, så forstærkeren kan drives ved fuld kraft. Sleep mode efter specificeret tid, uden at skulle trykke på knap. Security setting låse menu knapper , menu locked/unlocked. System reset allows factory settings to be restored. Remote power trigger. Peakx? Limiters giver max output uden at højttaler tager skade. XLR, 1/4, RCA inputs. Integreret PureBand? Crossover System.