JBL Control 227CT | 70V/100V lofthøjttaler, 6,5" og 1" HF i Coax. u.kabinet

6,5 coaxial loftshøjttaler med HF compression enhed. Control 227CT er en indbygningshøjttalermed 6,5 woofer + 1 driver, og en effekt på 150W i 8 ohm. Den er bygget som en PA højttaler med tuningsporte i bafflen, hvilket uderstøtter den gode lyd. Højttaleren er bygget med en kevlar forstærket membran. Control 227CT leverer en maks SPL på 118dB peak i 8 ohm. Control 227CT har indbygget trafo til 70/100V. Det tilhørende bagkabinet er specielt foret med et MDF materiale for at give en bedre bass respons. Frontgrillen er i et tidløst hvidt design. Alle modellerne spreder 120 grader, så man kan anvende få højttalere til et større område og stadig være sikret en ensartet kvalitet i hele lytteområdet. Control200 serien er lavet sådan, at de er nemme og hurtige at installere trods deres størrelse. JBL's EZ-Rails gør, at man ikke har brug for en ekstra hjælpende hånd. Højttaleren har euroblock terminaler, så det er muligt at tilslutte kablet inden. Serien er modulbaseret, som gør det muligt at holde prisen nede ved at kun vælge det man har behov for i den respektive installation. DSD Distributed System Design software findes på JBL's hjemmeside, som en gratis download. Det er et software der kan beregne antal og afstand mellem højttalerne i designet. Control 227CT leveres uden bagkabinet og frontgril.
Leverandør: JBL
Septons varenummer: 801-00702
Leverandør varenummer: Control 227CT
EAN: 50036905121
Produkt specifikationer
The JBL Professional Control 227CT PL are premium in-ceiling professional loudspeakers designed for applications requiring superior quality sound in ceilingmount applications. Delivering exceptional next-generation performance in a medium format coaxial point source design, the Control 227CT PL incorporate breakthrough performance features such as best-in-class pattern control to provide a consistent sound throughout the listening area. Especially wide coverage allows fewer speakers to cover the space, reducing both the material and labor cost for the installation.

The Control 227CT PL feature a 165 mm (6.5 in) Kevlar-reinforced low frequency driver coupled with a 25 mm (1 in) exit titanium compression driver for enduring reliability and outstanding performance. An 8 ohm driver is utilized on the Control 227CT PL and offers 150 Watts of continuous power handling capability, while a top quality, low saturation 68 Watt multitap transformer comes pre-attached on the Control 227CT enabling the system to be used on 70V or 100V distributed speaker lines.

  • Consistent 120° broadband pattern control for exceptional coverage.
  • Coaxial design featuring:
    Kevlar-reinforced 165 mm (6.5 in) woofer.
    25 mm (1 in) compression driver.
  • Extraordinary clarity for speech and vocals with extended frequency response for music.
  • 150 Watts Power Handling.
  • Advanced high-slope crossover network for constant coverage and smooth, natural midrange.
  • Separate back can and contemporary grille available.
    (sold separately)
The JBL Professional Control 227CT PL are premium in-ceiling professional loudspeakers designed for applications requiring superior quality sound in ceilingmount applications. Delivering exceptional next-generation performance in a medium format coaxial point source design, the Control 227CT PL incorporate breakthrough performance features such as best-in-class pattern control to provide a consistent sound throughout the listening area. Especially wide coverage allows fewer speakers to cover the space, reducing both the material and labor cost for the installation.

The Control 227CT PL feature a 165 mm (6.5 in) Kevlar-reinforced low frequency driver coupled with a 25 mm (1 in) exit titanium compression driver for enduring reliability and outstanding performance. An 8 ohm driver is utilized on the Control 227CT PL and offers 150 Watts of continuous power handling capability, while a top quality, low saturation 68 Watt multitap transformer comes pre-attached on the Control 227CT enabling the system to be used on 70V or 100V distributed speaker lines.

  • Consistent 120° broadband pattern control for exceptional coverage.
  • Coaxial design featuring:
    Kevlar-reinforced 165 mm (6.5 in) woofer.
    25 mm (1 in) compression driver.
  • Extraordinary clarity for speech and vocals with extended frequency response for music.
  • 150 Watts Power Handling.
  • Advanced high-slope crossover network for constant coverage and smooth, natural midrange.
  • Separate back can and contemporary grille available.
    (sold separately)
Produkt specifikationer