AKG C451B-S | instrumentmik studio/live, kond stereo par

With its airy sound, high overload limit and improved engineering details, the C451 B continues the success story of its predecessor, the legendary C451 EB + CK1 capsule.
Leverandør: AKG
Septons varenummer: 700-01021
Leverandør varenummer: 2895H00210
EAN: 885038007968
The roadworthy design around the handcrafted capsule and the low-noise pre-amp electronics ensure impressive results even under very harsh conditions. Selected from thousands of individual microphones, both microphones of the matched pair show a maximum variance of 1 dB at the frequency response and have identical sensitivity.
The roadworthy design around the handcrafted capsule and the low-noise pre-amp electronics ensure impressive results even under very harsh conditions. Selected from thousands of individual microphones, both microphones of the matched pair show a maximum variance of 1 dB at the frequency response and have identical sensitivity.
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ALT HVAD DU BEHØVER FOR AT FÅ DET MESTE UD AF DIT PA. NU MED FULD KONTROL FRA DIN MOBILE ENHED. DriveRack® PA2 leverer al den processering du har brug for mellem din mixer og forstærkere for at optimere og beskytte dine højttalere. Med de seneste forbedringer af dbx’s proprietære AutoEQ™ og AFS™ algoritmer, et nyt input delay-modul til forsinkelse af FOH-systemet til backline, Ethernet-kontrol via en Android®-, iOS®-, Mac®- eller Windows®-enhed og opdaterede wizards, sætter DriveRack PA2 standarden for vellydende, kraftfulde og prisvenlige speaker management processors.